Crescendo Page 7
Kaitlin Maitland
“Dinner is served.” Joshua approached with a bar towel in hand. “What are you two staring at over here? I thought we hid the binoculars so she wouldn"t think we spent all our time watching our neighbors have sex in the shower.”
“Leslie agrees with me that this patio space could use an overhaul.”
Joshua spun the towel and snapped it at Seth"s backside. “Ah, so everyone can watch us have sex on the patio. Sounds like a good plan.”
Coming from almost anyone else, the bold suggestion would"ve been annoying as hell, but Joshua had just the right balance of charm and sauce to pull it off.
Her earlier fantasy shifted until she was lounging back into the arms of one while the other spread her wide to lick her pussy.
She resisted the urge to clamp her legs together against the rush of cream that dampened her thighs. Her clit pulsed, a tiny pinprick of pleasure that demanded attention whether the time was appropriate or not.
Something in Joshua"s expression said he knew exactly what she was thinking about. “How about some food first this time?”
A flush crept over her skin. “I think that"s a good idea.”
Chapter Seven
Leslie"s pussy was beginning to ache from her constant state of arousal. It had taken almost no time at all to polish off Joshua"s meal of chicken and sautéed vegetables. Normally she would have spent a moment savoring the complex combination of spices Joshua had used on the meal. This time she"d barely tasted the food passing her lips.
She hadn"t missed out on the fact that Joshua seemed obsessed with what she ate. He"d watched her like a hawk during the entire meal. Apparently her vending machine confession from the night before had really bothered him. Now dinner was over, and the atmosphere was relaxed. The remnants of the cannoli Seth had brought for dessert sat in the middle of the table beside a half-empty bottle of sweet rose wine.
She felt light-headed from the wine and the giggling. She"d been relentlessly teasing them, picking on everything from their housekeeping habits to their choice to cohabitate. Her tongue was loose from the alcohol, and she was feeling braver than was probably wise.
“So.” She ran the tip of one finger around the edge of her wineglass. “The two of you have never questioned your sexual orientation? Never?”
Joshua rolled a sip of wine around his mouth before giving her a long, slow grin. “Two cocks in one room is one cock too many unless there"s a pussy to connect them.”
She rolled her eyes. She wondered if he"d been using that line since college.
“Did you come up with that all by yourself?”
“No, he didn"t,” Seth said.
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“Sex is a performance, sweetheart.” Joshua set his glass down. “There"s nothing more beautiful than passion on display.”
Her hand trembled, and she nearly spilled the remainder of her wine. She wanted them, both of them. So what if it was unconventional. Conventional never worked anyway.
Joshua took her glass and set it beside his. “Why would you not want an audience for something that incredible?”
“Enough talking. I"d have never brought the cannoli if I"d known how long it"d make me wait.” Seth pushed away from the table and stood. The front of his slacks bulged over his erection.
“Wait for what?” She gasped as he plucked her from her chair and slung her over his shoulder.
He was already walking toward the stairs. “For my dessert.”
Joshua didn"t seem to mind being left behind. Moments later she realized why when he cupped her face and kissed her senseless. The spicy taste of him was intoxicating. His tongue swept inside her mouth again and again before receding when they reached her bedroom door.
He pulled back far enough to meet her gaze. “Can we come in?”
“Please.” She hadn"t intended to sound so desperate. Her position on Seth"s shoulder put the hand he"d placed on her leg mere inches from her tingling center.
Seth"s body moved beneath her, and she found herself cradled against his chest. He took her mouth in a kiss—as different from Joshua"s as night and day—
that left her lungs burning for want of air. Her nerves sizzled, longing to get closer.
Her fingers found purchase in his shirt, clawing the material as he set the rhythm of their passion.
Enthralled by Seth"s kiss, she barely felt Joshua"s fingers at her waist. He untied her loose yoga pants and slid them over her hips as Seth lowered her to the Crescendo
bed. Cool air raised gooseflesh on her legs. Joshua hooked his thumbs beneath the waistband of her panties and worked them over her butt and down her legs.
Seth released her mouth. “You are so beautiful.”
“You"re still wearing too much clothing,” Joshua said in her ear.
Seth tugged her shirt over her head and tossed it to the floor with the rest of her clothing. Joshua unsnapped the front clasp of her bra. It fell down her shoulders and wound up on the discard pile.
Dazed, naked, and unbearably aroused, she melted into Joshua"s arms. He"d already removed his clothing, and the warm expanse of his nude, muscular body was delicious against her flushed skin. He cradled her against his chest, and her head nestled against his shoulder.
Joshua briefly cupped her breasts in his big hands and thumbed her nipples into hard little points. He slid his hands lower, stroking her sensitive inner thighs.
Continuing his downward path, he touched her knees and tugged her legs apart.
Feeling shy and exposed, she clamped them together.
Joshua pressed gentle kisses to the base of her neck. “No need to be shy with us, sweetheart.”
Seth shucked out of his clothing in record time. Broad-shouldered and olive-skinned, his naked body was a mouthwatering sight. His cock bobbed before him as he knelt on the bed.
“Show me her pussy, Josh.” His whisky brown gaze sought her face. “I need to see it.”
Leslie"s gut wrenched at the command in his voice. Something inside her wanted to obey, to spread her legs and show him the damp, pink folds of her vagina.
She pushed her insecurities aside and let her legs fall open.
Joshua helped her shift position, and she spread her legs until they rested alongside his. She squirmed when the cool air made contact with the hot flesh of her 64
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cunt. The hard length of his cock slipped into the crease of her ass, and he thrust against her.
“Touch her, Josh.” Seth gripped his own shaft, pumping his cock as sweat beaded on his forehead.
Seth"s plum-shaped head disappeared into his hand. She was close enough to reach out and touch his soft skin. Mesmerized by the sight of Seth, she was unprepared for the brush of Joshua"s fingers through her silky, wet slit. Her back arched, and she cried out when he straddled her clit with two long fingers and delved deeply into her swollen folds.
“God, she"s wet, Seth. I want to be inside her sweet pussy.”
A shining bead of precum crested the tip of Seth"s cock, and he swirled his fingers through it. “Not yet.”
Leslie gripped Joshua"s knees, squirming against his hold as he continued the sweet torment between her legs. His steady rhythm had her panting with the need to climax. He"d braced his legs against her shins, forcing her to remain exposed and open to his touch and Seth"s sight. She"d never felt so deliciously out of control in her life.
“Hold still, sweetheart,” Joshua coaxed. “You"ll get your release soon enough.
Let us please you.”
He threaded his fingers through her narrow swatch of pubic hair, tickling a teasing path back to her wet cunt and plucking at her clit. Seth shivered before them, jaw grinding with the effort of holding back. Precum glistened on his cock, making wet noises beneath his fingers as he stroked his long shaft.
Riveted, Leslie watched his heavy testicles clench
closer to his body.
Joshua"s breathing grew harsher. “He"s ready to come, Leslie. Are you ready to watch him?”
A moan erupted from the very core of her body. Seth opened his eyes just before a stream of white ejaculate spewed from the head of his cock. The hot fluid splashed against her belly, and she convulsed, nearly coming undone.
Joshua spread the satiny liquid down her body and through her slit. The feel of their combined essence sent her spiraling over the edge. Her hips bucked as her body shattered into orgasm. Joshua held her steady, working her clit and pushing her past climax into a higher state of desperate arousal.
She struggled to breathe. “I can"t.”
Seth gripped her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze. “You can.”
Seth lifted her away from Josh and held her against his chest while Joshua shifted to his knees. She shuddered as Seth reached down and spread her pussy wide. Joshua groaned in exquisite pleasure when Seth guided him to Leslie"s slick opening. Watching them both, Seth pressed his thumb to her throbbing clit just as Joshua"s full length eased deep into her channel.
The sensation of his heavy cock stretching her inner muscles was agony and ecstasy. Leslie was already strung tight from being goaded past her orgasm by Joshua. He drove his hips upward, pushing his broad head deeper into her core until she was whimpering with each thrust.
“Hold her open, Josh. I want a taste.”
The sight of Seth kneeling before her was too much. His tongue skated from the root of Joshua"s cock to the distended hood of her clit. The pinprick of sensation spread until her pussy melted around Joshua"s shaft. She fixated on that point of contact. It was more erotic than she"d imagined possible, and she gave in to the pleasurable sensations overloading her brain.
Seth"s tongue worked her folds, suckling in time with Joshua"s thrusts until her body was wholly focused on their rhythm. Her muscles knotted, heat pooling at the base of her spine. Her cunt bore down on Joshua, holding his cock moments before a climax exploded from her center.
Kaitlin Maitland
Joshua thrust deep, the vein in his cock pulsing as he ejaculated deep inside her. Seth moaned against her pussy, suckling their mingled fluids and pressing gentle kisses to her swollen clit.
Had Joshua not been holding her, Leslie would"ve collapsed. Her muscles were warm and languid, incapable of supporting her weight. She nestled against him. A yawn took her completely by surprise.
Seth chuckled. “I think we need to get you in shape.”
“Practice makes perfect,” Joshua agreed.
She was too tired to argue with them. Although tired really wasn"t the right word. She was exhausted, sated for the moment, and content to curl up between her two sexy lovers.
The bed moved as Seth adjusted his position. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her close. He was warm, and his skin was damp with his spicy sweat. She inhaled as his scent enveloped her in its security.
The bed moved again, and Joshua was gone. He"d rolled away and gotten up.
Her heart gave an unpleasant lurch.
“Where are you going?” Seth"s muscles rippled with tension.
“I need to get some shut-eye before tomorrow. If we"re keeping the meeting with Mikayla to discuss a settlement for Niles"s custody case, I want to be on my toes.”
There was a pause, and then Seth relaxed beside her. He pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head. “Suit yourself.”
Leslie closed her eyes so she wouldn"t have to see Joshua walking away.
* * *
The penthouse was utterly silent. Forty floors above street level, it was next to impossible to hear the heartbeat of Boston"s streets. Unfortunately, none of that mattered to Joshua. Exhaustion stalked his psyche. Images of Leslie"s body cradled against his chest tickled the edges of his mind. The memory of their shared passion Crescendo
sent him reeling into confusion. He"d never experienced anything like this before.
He"d never expected to.
Gaining enjoyment from watching Seth take possession of a woman"s body was nothing new. Neither was reaching his climax under his best friend"s gaze. They"d eventually hoped to find a woman to share in the excitement of double penetration, Joshua"s cock sliding in and out of a wet pussy while Seth pushed deep into a tight ass. Those were all physical things. What had happened between them and Leslie was different. One woman had forged a deep connection between him and Seth.
That alone told him this was about more than just great sex.
Sitting upright, he swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood. The chill air seeped through the sweatpants he"d pulled on after his hasty retreat from Leslie"s bedroom. They were the same pants she"d borrowed the night before. Her scent lingered on the fabric. He should"ve thrown them in the wash, but he"d liked the idea of her in his clothes. Now they were a constant reminder of the woman who"d managed to get under his skin despite his better judgment.
Mottled blue and white moonlight filtered through the windows and cast shadows on the floor. Careful to tread quietly, he moved through the open door and rested his shoulder against the frame.
They were both dead to the world. Their deep, steady breaths fell in tandem.
Even in sleep, Seth couldn"t seem to stay away from her. His muscular frame curled subtly around her slender form. She slept on her belly with one long leg pulled up beneath her and Seth"s arm for a pillow. Tangled locks of her red hair spread out over Seth"s shoulder like a silken drape.
Something about their position on the bed seemed strangely off-kilter. It took Joshua a moment to realize the twosome lay off-center on the wide mattress. Leslie slept with Seth to her right. Their position left a third of the bed oddly empty. And though beds had been divided in half since men and women had started sharing them, the one before him looked strangely unbalanced.
Kaitlin Maitland
The urge to join them was almost overwhelming. Joshua stared until his breathing was ragged. It would be so satisfying to slip beneath the sheets and pull Leslie into his arms. He"d bury his face in her hair and drift off to sleep listening to her and Seth"s even breathing. But he couldn"t open himself to the emotional bond he sensed building between the three of them.
Seth had already offered Leslie a long-term relationship once. She"d walked out. If Seth couldn"t maintain his objectivity this time around, then it was up to Joshua to prepare for the possibility that this brief moment was as fleeting as everything else had always been.
Chapter Eight
If Leslie had been the least bit savvy and cosmopolitan, she would"ve known better than to get used to sleeping with a warm set of arms wrapped around her body. Unfortunately, she was nowhere near that levelheaded or experienced in the relationship arena. She should have been focusing on the reality of shoebox apartments and sleeping alone. Getting attached to Seth was the height of stupidity, but it seemed impossible to avoid. Her perpetual smile ruined any attempt at trying to remain cool and composed.
“Obviously the sex is just as good or better than it ever was before.”
Not even Jen"s wrinkled nose and dour mood could squash the sense of tingling acceptance Leslie had carried around since opening her eyes and stretching within the circle of Seth"s warm embrace.
“Nope.” She swatted Jen"s round backside as her friend leaned over to adjust her cello case. “Good and better don"t cut it at all. Try fantastic, amazing, and unbelievably satisfying.”
“Yeah, well, remember that some of us still live in the real world of sharing one-bedroom apartments with our sisters who call you to come get them at a club at two in the morning because some guy left them high and dry with no cab fare.” Up went the cello case as she slung the carry straps over her shoulders.
There was a hint of real spring warmth in the air as they exited the music building and descended the steps into the quad
. Students lingered in the common area, enjoying the promise of better weather and sharing the latest gossip. Leslie waved to a group of girls from her third-hour strings class. Their vivaciousness made her feel ancient.
Kaitlin Maitland
Jen craned her neck to see past the narrow entrance to the quad. “Niles had better be at the curb waiting with that cab, or I"m going to kill him with my bare hands.”
Leslie grabbed her friend"s arm before she mowed down a slender girl in a leotard. “Slow down. You"re practically running. At this rate, you"re going to kill a student. And although the headmistress might cut you some slack, I"m pretty sure that would mean losing your teaching job.”
“Some days I think that would be a blessing.” Jen heaved her shoulders to keep the cello balanced.
“You don"t mean that,” Leslie said. “We"re only required to teach three classes a semester. You signed up for that and thirty private lessons a week on purpose.”
“That"s a money thing, not a love of teaching thing.” Jen sidestepped to avoid smacking the neck of her cello. “Not all of us can give up teaching private lessons and live off the Trio"s earnings.”
Leslie didn"t bother correcting Jen"s erroneous assumptions about her finances.
No need to borrow trouble.
“This thing weighs a ton! I"m really glad I didn"t decide to take up the double bass the day our orchestra teacher let us try out instruments. My cello is almost more than I can handle.”
The words sent Leslie spiraling back through time to the moment when her grandfather had placed a violin in her hands for the very first time. She vividly recalled the conservatory lights gleaming in his silvery hair as he gave her the special smile he saved just for her. His big hands had made the tiny piece look like a toy. At three years old, she"d played a sixteenth-size instrument. From the very first time she"d dragged a bow awkwardly across the strings, she"d known it was going to be her life.